But, your lucky, I have inside news. You want it really bad... well then, good news. J. Press is the person who sells them BTW. The scarf's sold out pretty fast but J. Press found some extra in his warehouse. They are now on sale at the Madison Avenue Shop... but only available over the phone. Call (212) 678-7642. Call soon or you'll have to wait a long time.
I love Chuck!
what is that jacket he's wearing
Hey. I know right, who doesn't love Chuck. He better clean up his act or he'll lose more than his father. Ivar: I was not able to find the exact jacket he's wearing but some other he likes to frequenly wear. If your still interested e-mail me.
You know you love me,
XOXO Gossip Girl
What an exciting experience!/Hilarious! Delightful! True!/wonderful stuff! thank you!
Girl Clothes
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